Light Propagation Volumes

Light Propagation Volumes (LPV) is an algorithm for achieving an indirect light bounce developed by Crytek and (previously) used in CryEngine 3. Having read numerous papers and articles (listed below), looked through code on GitHub (also listed below), I was disapppointed that there was a lack of clear information on how the algorithm works technically. This article aims to provide an insight in how the algorithm works and how I have implemented it in the engine I am working on for a school project.

What does LPV do?

Light Propagation Volumes stores lighting information from a light in a 3D grid. Every light stores which points in the world they light up. These points have a coordinate in the world, which means you can stratify those coordinates in a grid. In that way you save lit points (Virtual Point Lights) in a 3D grid and can use those initial points to spread light across the scene. You can imagine the spreading of lights as covering your sandwich in Nutella. You start off with an initial lump of Nutella (virtual point lights) and use a knife to spread (propagate) this across the entire sandwich (the entire scene). It’s a bit more complex than that, but that will become clear very soon. The images below demonstrates what LPV adds to a scene.


How does it do that?


The first step is to gather the Virtual Point Lights (VPLs). In a previous article I describe Reflective Shadow Maps. For my implementation I used the flux, world-space position, and world-space normal map resulting from rendering the Reflective Shadow Map. The flux is the color of the indirect light getting injected, the world-space position is used to determine the grid cell, and the normal determines the initial propagation direction.

Not every pixel in the RSM will be used for injection in the grid, because this would mean you inject 2048×2048=4194304 VPLs for a decently sized RSM for a directional light. Performance was decent, but that was only with one light. Some intelligent down-sampling (to 512×512) still gives pretty and stable results.

The image below demonstrates the resulting 3D grid after the Injection phase. With a white light, the colors of the VPLs are very similar to the surface they are bounced off of.



To maximize efficiency and frame rate, the algorithm stores the lighting information in Spherical Harmonics (SH). Those are mathematical objects used to record an incoming signal (like light intensity) over a sphere. The internal workings of this are still a bit of a mystery to me, but important is to know that you can encode light intensities and directions in Spherical Harmonics, allowing for propagation using just 4 floats per color channel. Implementation details will become apparent soon.


So, we have a grid filled with Virtual Point Lights and we want to “smear” them across the scene to get pretty light bleeding. As I mentioned earlier, we store SH coefficients in grid cells. These SH coefficients represent a signal traveling in a certain direction. In the propagation phase, you calculate how much of that signal could spread to a neighbour cell using the direction towards that cell. Then you multiply this by a cosine lobe, a commonly used way to spread light in a diffuse manner. The image below shows such an object. Directions pointing “up” which is forward, has 100% intensity and directions pointing sideways or backwards have an intensity of 0%, because the light would not physically bounce in that direction.



Rendering is actually the easy part. We have a set of SH coefficients per color component in each cell of our grid. We have a G-Buffer with world space positions and world space normals. We get the grid cell for the world space position (trilinear interpolation gives better results though) and evaluate the coefficients stored in the grid cells against the SH representation for the world space normal. This gives an intensity per color component, which you can multiply by the albedo (from the G-Buffer) and by the ambient occlusion factor, and then you have a pretty image.

How do you implement it?

Theoretically, the above is easy to understand. For the implementation it took me quite a while to know how I should do it. Below, I will explain how to set it up, how to execute each step, and what pitfalls I ran into. My code is written in a rendering API agnostic engine, but heavily inspired by DirectX 11.


Start off by creating three 3D textures of float4, one per color channel, of dimensions 32 x 32 x 32 (this can be anything you want, but you will get pretty results with as small dimensions as this). These buffers need read and write access, so I created Unordered Access Views, Render Target Views, and Shader Resource Views for them. RTVs for the injection phase, UAVs for clearing and the propagation phase, and SRVs for the rendering phase. Make sure you clear these textures every frame.


Injecting the lights was something I struggled with for quite some time. I saw people use a combination of Vertex, Geometry, and Pixel Shaders to inject lights into a 3D texture and I thought, why not just use a single Compute Shader to pull this off? You will run into race conditions if you do this and there is no straight forward way to pull it off in Compute Shaders. A less straight forward solution was using a GPU linked list and solve that list in a separate pass. Unfortunately, this was too slow for me and I am always a bit cautious to have a while loop in a shader.

So, the fastest way to get light injection done is by setting up the VS/GS/PS draw call. The reason this works is because the fixed-function blending on the GPU is thread-safe and performed in the same order every frame. This means you can blend VPLs in a grid cell without race conditions!

Vertex Shader

Using DrawArray you can specify the amount of vertices you would like the application to render. I down-sample a 2048×2048 texture to 512×512 “vertices” and that is the count I give the DrawArray call. These vertices don’t need any CPU-side info, you will only need the vertex ID. I have listed the entire shader below. This shader passes VPLs through to the Geometry Shader.

[code lang=”cpp”]#define LPV_DIM 32
#define LPV_DIMH 16
#define LPV_CELL_SIZE 4.0

// and
// seem
// to use the same coefficients, which differ from the RSM paper. Due to completeness of their code, I will stick to their solutions.
/*Spherical harmonics coefficients – precomputed*/
#define SH_C0 0.282094792f // 1 / 2sqrt(pi)
#define SH_C1 0.488602512f // sqrt(3/pi) / 2

/*Cosine lobe coeff*/
#define SH_cosLobe_C0 0.886226925f // sqrt(pi)/2
#define SH_cosLobe_C1 1.02332671f // sqrt(pi/3)
#define PI 3.1415926f

#define POSWS_BIAS_LIGHT 1.0

struct Light
float3 position;
float range;
//————————16 bytes
float3 direction;
float spotAngle;
//————————16 bytes
float3 color;
uint type;
cbuffer b0 : register(b0)
float4x4 vpMatrix;
float4x4 RsmToWorldMatrix;
Light light;

int3 getGridPos(float3 worldPos)
return (worldPos / LPV_CELL_SIZE) + int3(LPV_DIMH, LPV_DIMH, LPV_DIMH);

struct VS_IN {
uint posIndex : SV_VertexID;

struct GS_IN {
float4 cellIndex : SV_POSITION;
float3 normal : WORLD_NORMAL;
float3 flux : LIGHT_FLUX;

Texture2D rsmFluxMap : register(t0);
Texture2D rsmWsPosMap : register(t1);
Texture2D rsmWsNorMap : register(t2);

struct RsmTexel
float4 flux;
float3 normalWS;
float3 positionWS;

float Luminance(RsmTexel rsmTexel)
return (rsmTexel.flux.r * 0.299f + rsmTexel.flux.g * 0.587f + rsmTexel.flux.b * 0.114f)
+ max(0.0f, dot(rsmTexel.normalWS, -light.direction));

RsmTexel GetRsmTexel(int2 coords)
RsmTexel tx = (RsmTexel)0;
tx.flux = rsmFluxMap.Load(int3(coords, 0));
tx.normalWS = rsmWsNorMap.Load(int3(coords, 0)).xyz;
tx.positionWS = rsmWsPosMap.Load(int3(coords, 0)).xyz + (tx.normalWS * POSWS_BIAS_NORMAL);
return tx;

#define KERNEL_SIZE 4
#define STEP_SIZE 1

GS_IN main(VS_IN input) {
uint2 RSMsize;
rsmWsPosMap.GetDimensions(RSMsize.x, RSMsize.y);
int3 rsmCoords = int3(input.posIndex % RSMsize.x, input.posIndex / RSMsize.x, 0);

// Pick brightest cell in KERNEL_SIZExKERNEL_SIZE grid
float3 brightestCellIndex = 0;
float maxLuminance = 0;
for (uint y = 0; y < KERNEL_SIZE; y += STEP_SIZE)
for (uint x = 0; x < KERNEL_SIZE; x += STEP_SIZE)
int2 texIdx = rsmCoords.xy * KERNEL_SIZE + int2(x, y);
RsmTexel rsmTexel = GetRsmTexel(texIdx);
float texLum = Luminance(rsmTexel);
if (texLum > maxLuminance)
brightestCellIndex = getGridPos(rsmTexel.positionWS);
maxLuminance = texLum;

RsmTexel result = (RsmTexel)0;
float numSamples = 0;
for (uint y = 0; y < KERNEL_SIZE; y += STEP_SIZE)
for (uint x = 0; x < KERNEL_SIZE; x += STEP_SIZE)
int2 texIdx = rsmCoords.xy * KERNEL_SIZE + int2(x, y);
RsmTexel rsmTexel = GetRsmTexel(texIdx);
int3 texelIndex = getGridPos(rsmTexel.positionWS);
float3 deltaGrid = texelIndex – brightestCellIndex;
if (dot(deltaGrid, deltaGrid) < 10) // If cell proximity is good enough
// Sample from texel
result.flux += rsmTexel.flux;
result.positionWS += rsmTexel.positionWS;
result.normalWS += rsmTexel.normalWS;

//if (numSamples > 0) // This is always true due to picking a brightestCell, however, not all cells have light
result.positionWS /= numSamples;
result.normalWS /= numSamples;
result.normalWS = normalize(result.normalWS);
result.flux /= numSamples;

//RsmTexel result = GetRsmTexel(rsmCoords.xy);

GS_IN output;
output.cellIndex = float4(getGridPos(result.positionWS), 1.0);
output.normal = result.normalWS;
output.flux = result.flux.rgb;

return output;

Geometry shader

Because of the way DirectX11 handles Render Target Views for 3D textures, you need to pass the vertices to a Geometry Shader, where a depth slice of the 3D texture will be determined based on the grid position. In the Geometry Shader you specify the SV_renderTargetArrayIndex, a variable you have to pass to the Pixel Shader and a variable that is not accessible in the Vertex Shader. This explains why you need the Geometry Shader and not just do a VS->PS call. I have listed the Geometry Shader below.

[code lang=”cpp”]#define LPV_DIM 32
#define LPV_DIMH 16
#define LPV_CELL_SIZE 4.0

struct GS_IN {
float4 cellIndex : SV_POSITION;
float3 normal : WORLD_NORMAL;
float3 flux : LIGHT_FLUX;
struct PS_IN {
float4 screenPos : SV_POSITION;
float3 normal : WORLD_NORMAL;
float3 flux : LIGHT_FLUX;
uint depthIndex : SV_RenderTargetArrayIndex;

void main(point GS_IN input[1], inout PointStream<PS_IN> OutputStream) {
PS_IN output;

output.depthIndex = input[0].cellIndex.z;
output.screenPos.xy = (float2(input[0].cellIndex.xy) + 0.5) / float2(LPV_DIM, LPV_DIM) * 2.0 – 1.0;
// invert y direction because y points downwards in the viewport?
output.screenPos.y = -output.screenPos.y; = float2(0, 1);

output.normal = input[0].normal;
output.flux = input[0].flux;


Pixel Shader

The Pixel Shader for injection is not much more than scaling the SH coefficients resulting from the input world space normal by the input flux per color component. It writes to three separate render targets, one per color component.

[code lang=”cpp”]
// and
// seem
// to use the same coefficients, which differ from the RSM paper. Due to completeness of their code, I will stick to their solutions.
/*Spherical harmonics coefficients – precomputed*/
#define SH_C0 0.282094792f // 1 / 2sqrt(pi)
#define SH_C1 0.488602512f // sqrt(3/pi) / 2

/*Cosine lobe coeff*/
#define SH_cosLobe_C0 0.886226925f // sqrt(pi)/2
#define SH_cosLobe_C1 1.02332671f // sqrt(pi/3)
#define PI 3.1415926f

struct PS_IN {
float4 screenPosition : SV_POSITION;
float3 normal : WORLD_NORMAL;
float3 flux : LIGHT_FLUX;
uint depthIndex : SV_RenderTargetArrayIndex;

struct PS_OUT {
float4 redSH : SV_Target0;
float4 greenSH : SV_Target1;
float4 blueSH : SV_Target2;

float4 dirToCosineLobe(float3 dir) {
//dir = normalize(dir);
return float4(SH_cosLobe_C0, -SH_cosLobe_C1 * dir.y, SH_cosLobe_C1 * dir.z, -SH_cosLobe_C1 * dir.x);

float4 dirToSH(float3 dir) {
return float4(SH_C0, -SH_C1 * dir.y, SH_C1 * dir.z, -SH_C1 * dir.x);

PS_OUT main(PS_IN input)
PS_OUT output;

const static float surfelWeight = 0.015;
float4 coeffs = (dirToCosineLobe(input.normal) / PI) * surfelWeight;
output.redSH = coeffs * input.flux.r;
output.greenSH = coeffs * input.flux.g;
output.blueSH = coeffs * input.flux.b;

return output;


So, now we have a grid partially filled with VPLs resulting from the Injection phase. It’s time to distribute that light. When you think about distribution, you spread something from a central point. In the propagation Compute Shader, you would spread light to all surrounding directions per cell. However, this is horribly cache inefficient and prone to race conditions. This is because you sample (read) from one cell and propagate (write) to surrounding cells. This means cells are being accessed by multiple threads simultaneously. Instead of this approach, we use a Gathering algorithm. This means you sample from all surrounding directions and write to only one. This guarantees only one thread is accessing one grid cell at the same time.


Now, for the propagation itself. I will describe how the distribution would work, not how the gathering would work. This is because it is easier to explain. The code below will show how it works for gathering. This process describes how it works for propagation to one cell. To other cells is the same process with other directions.

The direction towards the neighbour cell is projected into Spherical Harmonics and evaluated against the stored SH coefficients in the current cell. This cancels out lighting going in other directions. There is a problem with this approach though. We are propagating spherical lighting information through a cubic grid. Try imagining a sphere inside a cube, there are quite some gaps. These gaps will also be visible in the final rendering as unlit spots. The way to fix this is by projecting the light onto the faces of the cell you are propagating it to.

The image below (borrowed from CLPV paper) demonstrates this. The yellow part is the solid angle, which is the part of the sphere used to light, and also what determines how much light is distributed towards a certain face. You need to do this for 5 faces (not the front one, all others) so you cover the entire cube. This preserves directional information (for improved spreading) so results are better lit and you don’t have those ugly unlit spots.


The (compute) shader below demonstrates how propagation works in a gathering way, and how the side-faces are used for the accumulation as well.

[code lang=”cpp”]#define LPV_DIM 32
#define LPV_DIMH 16
#define LPV_CELL_SIZE 4.0

int3 getGridPos(float3 worldPos)
return (worldPos / LPV_CELL_SIZE) + int3(LPV_DIMH, LPV_DIMH, LPV_DIMH);

// and
// seem
// to use the same coefficients, which differ from the RSM paper. Due to completeness of their code, I will stick to their solutions.
/*Spherical harmonics coefficients – precomputed*/
#define SH_c0 0.282094792f // 1 / 2sqrt(pi)
#define SH_c1 0.488602512f // sqrt(3/pi) / 2

/*Cosine lobe coeff*/
#define SH_cosLobe_c0 0.886226925f // sqrt(pi)/2
#define SH_cosLobe_c1 1.02332671f // sqrt(pi/3)
#define Pi 3.1415926f

float4 dirToCosineLobe(float3 dir) {
//dir = normalize(dir);
return float4(SH_cosLobe_c0, -SH_cosLobe_c1 * dir.y, SH_cosLobe_c1 * dir.z, -SH_cosLobe_c1 * dir.x);

float4 dirToSH(float3 dir) {
return float4(SH_c0, -SH_c1 * dir.y, SH_c1 * dir.z, -SH_c1 * dir.x);

// End of

RWTexture3D<float4> lpvR : register(u0);
RWTexture3D<float4> lpvG : register(u1);
RWTexture3D<float4> lpvB : register(u2);

static const float3 directions[] =
{ float3(0,0,1), float3(0,0,-1), float3(1,0,0), float3(-1,0,0) , float3(0,1,0), float3(0,-1,0)};

// With a lot of help from:
// This is a fully functioning LPV implementation

// right up
float2 side[4] = { float2(1.0, 0.0), float2(0.0, 1.0), float2(-1.0, 0.0), float2(0.0, -1.0) };

// orientation = [ right | up | forward ] = [ x | y | z ]
float3 getEvalSideDirection(uint index, float3x3 orientation) {
const float smallComponent = 0.4472135; // 1 / sqrt(5)
const float bigComponent = 0.894427; // 2 / sqrt(5)

const float2 s = side[index];
// *either* x = 0 or y = 0
return mul(orientation, float3(s.x * smallComponent, s.y * smallComponent, bigComponent));

float3 getReprojSideDirection(uint index, float3x3 orientation) {
const float2 s = side[index];
return mul(orientation, float3(s.x, s.y, 0));

// orientation = [ right | up | forward ] = [ x | y | z ]
float3x3 neighbourOrientations[6] = {
// Z+
float3x3(1, 0, 0,0, 1, 0,0, 0, 1),
// Z-
float3x3(-1, 0, 0,0, 1, 0,0, 0, -1),
// X+
float3x3(0, 0, 1,0, 1, 0,-1, 0, 0
// X-
float3x3(0, 0, -1,0, 1, 0,1, 0, 0),
// Y+
float3x3(1, 0, 0,0, 0, 1,0, -1, 0),
// Y-
float3x3(1, 0, 0,0, 0, -1,0, 1, 0)

[numthreads(16, 2, 1)]
void main(uint3 dispatchThreadID: SV_DispatchThreadID, uint3 groupThreadID : SV_GroupThreadID)
uint3 cellIndex =;

// contribution
float4 cR = (float4)0;
float4 cG = (float4)0;
float4 cB = (float4)0;

for (uint neighbour = 0; neighbour < 6; ++neighbour)
float3x3 orientation = neighbourOrientations[neighbour];
// TODO: transpose all orientation matrices and use row indexing instead? ie int3( orientation[2] )
float3 mainDirection = mul(orientation, float3(0, 0, 1));

uint3 neighbourIndex = cellIndex – directions[neighbour];
float4 rCoeffsNeighbour = lpvR[neighbourIndex];
float4 gCoeffsNeighbour = lpvG[neighbourIndex];
float4 bCoeffsNeighbour = lpvB[neighbourIndex];

const float directFaceSubtendedSolidAngle = 0.4006696846f / Pi / 2;
const float sideFaceSubtendedSolidAngle = 0.4234413544f / Pi / 3;

for (uint sideFace = 0; sideFace < 4; ++sideFace)
float3 evalDirection = getEvalSideDirection(sideFace, orientation);
float3 reprojDirection = getReprojSideDirection(sideFace, orientation);

float4 reprojDirectionCosineLobeSH = dirToCosineLobe(reprojDirection);
float4 evalDirectionSH = dirToSH(evalDirection);

cR += sideFaceSubtendedSolidAngle * dot(rCoeffsNeighbour, evalDirectionSH) * reprojDirectionCosineLobeSH;
cG += sideFaceSubtendedSolidAngle * dot(gCoeffsNeighbour, evalDirectionSH) * reprojDirectionCosineLobeSH;
cB += sideFaceSubtendedSolidAngle * dot(bCoeffsNeighbour, evalDirectionSH) * reprojDirectionCosineLobeSH;

float3 curDir = directions[neighbour];
float4 curCosLobe = dirToCosineLobe(curDir);
float4 curDirSH = dirToSH(curDir);

int3 neighbourCellIndex = (int3)cellIndex + (int3)curDir;

cR += directFaceSubtendedSolidAngle * max(0.0f, dot(rCoeffsNeighbour, curDirSH)) * curCosLobe;
cG += directFaceSubtendedSolidAngle * max(0.0f, dot(gCoeffsNeighbour, curDirSH)) * curCosLobe;
cB += directFaceSubtendedSolidAngle * max(0.0f, dot(bCoeffsNeighbour, curDirSH)) * curCosLobe;

lpvR[] += cR;
lpvG[] += cG;
lpvB[] += cB;


Rendering is pretty straight forward. You use the G-Buffer’s world space position to get a grid position. If you have those positions as floats, you can easily do trilinear sampling on the three 3D textures used for LPV. With that sampling result you have a set of Spherical Harmonics and you project the world space normal from the G-Buffer into SH and do dot products against the three textures to get scalar values per color component. Multiply that by the albedo and the Ambient Occlusion factor and you have indirect lighting.

The pixel shader below demonstrates this. This is done by rendering a full screen quad and evaluating all pixels. If you have occlusion culling, you can optimize the indirect light rendering by adding it in the G-Buffer phase in a light accumulation buffer, but in my implementation I have a lot of overdraw and no early-Z/occlusion culling.

[code lang=”cpp”]
<pre>// Start of
#define LPV_DIM 32
#define LPV_DIMH 16
#define LPV_CELL_SIZE 4.0

int3 getGridPos(float3 worldPos)
return (worldPos / LPV_CELL_SIZE) + int3(LPV_DIMH, LPV_DIMH, LPV_DIMH);
float3 getGridPosAsFloat(float3 worldPos)
return (worldPos / LPV_CELL_SIZE) + float3(LPV_DIMH, LPV_DIMH, LPV_DIMH);

// and
// seem
// to use the same coefficients, which differ from the RSM paper. Due to completeness of their code, I will stick to their solutions.
/*Spherical harmonics coefficients – precomputed*/
#define SH_C0 0.282094792f // 1 / 2sqrt(pi)
#define SH_C1 0.488602512f // sqrt(3/pi) / 2

/*Cosine lobe coeff*/
#define SH_cosLobe_C0 0.886226925f // sqrt(pi)/2
#define SH_cosLobe_C1 1.02332671f // sqrt(pi/3)
#define PI 3.1415926f

float4 dirToCosineLobe(float3 dir) {
//dir = normalize(dir);
return float4(SH_cosLobe_C0, -SH_cosLobe_C1 * dir.y, SH_cosLobe_C1 * dir.z, -SH_cosLobe_C1 * dir.x);

float4 dirToSH(float3 dir) {
return float4(SH_C0, -SH_C1 * dir.y, SH_C1 * dir.z, -SH_C1 * dir.x);

// End of

struct PSIn
float4 pos : SV_POSITION;
float3 normal : NORMAL;
float3 tangent : TANGENT;
float3 bitangent : BITANGENT;
float2 texcoord : TEXCOORD0;
float3 posWS : POSITION;

sampler trilinearSampler : register(s0);
Texture3D lpvR : register(t0);
Texture3D lpvG: register(t1);
Texture3D lpvB : register(t2);
Texture2D wsPosMap : register(t3);
Texture2D wsNorMap : register(t4);
Texture2D albedoMap : register(t5);
Texture2D ambientOcclusionMap : register(t6);

float4 main(PSIn IN) : SV_Target

float3 albedo = albedoMap.Sample(trilinearSampler, IN.texcoord).xyz;
float3 pxPosWS = wsPosMap.Sample(trilinearSampler, IN.texcoord).xyz;
float3 pxNorWS = wsNorMap.Sample(trilinearSampler, IN.texcoord).xyz;
float3 gridPos = getGridPosAsFloat(pxPosWS);

float4 SHintensity = dirToSH(-pxNorWS);
float3 lpvIntensity = (float3)0;

float4 lpvRtex = lpvR.SampleLevel(trilinearSampler, gridPos / float3(LPV_DIM, LPV_DIM, LPV_DIM), 0);
float4 lpvGtex = lpvG.SampleLevel(trilinearSampler, gridPos / float3(LPV_DIM, LPV_DIM, LPV_DIM), 0);
float4 lpvBtex = lpvB.SampleLevel(trilinearSampler, gridPos / float3(LPV_DIM, LPV_DIM, LPV_DIM), 0);

lpvIntensity = float3(
dot(SHintensity, lpvRtex),
dot(SHintensity, lpvGtex),
dot(SHintensity, lpvBtex));

float3 finalLPVRadiance = max(0, lpvIntensity) / PI;

float4 result = float4(finalLPVRadiance, 1.0) * ambientOcclusionMap.Load(int3(IN.pos.xy, 0)).r * float4(albedo, 1.0);
return result;

Pros and cons

This algorithm, like any other, has its pros and cons.


  • The algorithm is very fast
  • One data structure which can support multiple lights
  • Completely dynamic and real-time


  • The amount of SH coefficients used (4) has only about 75% accuracy. This means more objects will get incorrect lighting and light bleeding will happen in wrong places.
  • Trade-off between more local reflections or more global reflection as the size of the grid influences this. Can be solved by using Cascaded LPVs.
  • Does not allow for specular reflections. Can be added with Screen-Spaced Reflections.
  • Only allows for one light bounce. There are workarounds, but that also has its tradeoffs.


Spherical Harmonics papers and posts:

Reflective Shadow Maps: Part 2 – The implementation

I managed to implement a very naive version of Reflective Shadow Maps (an algorithm described in this paper). This post will explain how I did that and what the pitfalls were. It will also cover some possible optimizations.


Figure 1: From left to right: Render without Reflective Shadow Maps, render with reflective shadow maps, difference

The result

In figure 1 you see one of the results produced by RSM. The images you see use the Stanford Bunny and three differently colored quads. In the left image, you see the result of a render without RSM, using just a spot light. Whatever falls in the shadow is completely black. In the middle image you see the same image, but rendered using RSM. Notable differences are the brighter colors everywhere, the pink color bleeding onto the floor and the bunny, the shadow not being completely black. The last image shows the differene between the two images, thus what RSM contributed to the image. You might see some harder edges and artifacts in the middle and righter image, but that can be solved by tweaking the sample kernel size, indirect light intensity, and the amount of samples taken.

The implementation

The engine I implemented this algorithm in has a cross-platform rendering architecture allowing us to create rendering techniques (like deferred shading, shadow mapping, etc.) that will theoretically work on any platform we support. The architecture was set up to be multi-threading compatible and as stateless as possible. It also uses a lot of terminology found in DirectX 11 and 12. The shaders were written in HLSL and the renders made with DirectX 11. Keep this in mind when I talk about implementation details.

I had already set up a deferred renderer with shadow maps for directional lights prior to writing this article. Then I implemented RSM for directional lights. After that, I added spot light shadow maps and added support for RSM to them.

Expanding the shadow map

Traditionally, Shadow Maps (SM) are no more than a depth map. This means you don’t even need a pixel/fragment shader for filling an SM. However, for RSM, you need a few extra buffers. You need to store the world space positions, world space normals, and the flux. This means you need multiple render targets and a pixel/fragment shader to fill them. Keep in mind that you need to cull back faces instead of front faces for this technique. Using front face culling is a commonly used technique to avoid shadow artifacts, but this does not work with RSM.

You pass the world space normal and position to the pixel shader and pass those through to the corresponding buffers. If you have normal mapping, you calculate that in the pixel shader as well. The flux is calculated in the pixel shaders and is the albedo of the material multiplied by the light’s color. For spot lights, you multiply this by the falloff. For directional lights, this will simply look like an unshaded image.

Preparing the shading pass

For the shading pass, you need to do a few things. You need to bind all buffers used in the shadow pass as textures. You also need random numbers. The paper tells you to precalculate those numbers and store them into a buffer in order to save operations for the sampling pass. Since the algorithm is heavy in terms of performance, I thoroughly agree with the paper. They also recommend this to have temporal coherency. This means it will avoid flickering images when every frame uses different shadows.

You need two random floats in the [0, 1] range per sample you take. These random numbers will be used to determine the coordinates of a sample. You will also need the same matrix you use transform world space positions to shadow map texture space positions. Further than that, a non-comparison sampler that clamps with black border colors will also be necessary.

Performing the shading pass

This is the hard part, especially to get it right. I recommend doing the indirect shading pass after you have done the direct shading for a particular light. This is because you need a full screen quad to do this and this works fine for directional lights. However, for spot and point lights you generally want to use shaped meshes with some form of culling to fill less pixels.

I will show a piece of code below that calculates the indirect shading per pixel. After that, I will step through the code and explain what is happening.

[code language=”cpp”]float3 DoReflectiveShadowMapping(float3 P, bool divideByW, float3 N)
float4 textureSpacePosition = mul(lightViewProjectionTextureMatrix, float4(P, 1.0));
if (divideByW) /= textureSpacePosition.w;

float3 indirectIllumination = float3(0, 0, 0);
float rMax = rsmRMax;

for (uint i = 0; i < rsmSampleCount; ++i)
float2 rnd = rsmSamples[i].xy;

float2 coords = textureSpacePosition.xy + rMax * rnd;

float3 vplPositionWS = g_rsmPositionWsMap.Sample(g_clampedSampler, coords.xy).xyz;
float3 vplNormalWS = g_rsmNormalWsMap.Sample(g_clampedSampler, coords.xy).xyz;
float3 flux = g_rsmFluxMap.Sample(g_clampedSampler, coords.xy).xyz;

float3 result = flux
* ((max(0, dot(vplNormalWS, P – vplPositionWS))
* max(0, dot(N, vplPositionWS – P)))
/ pow(length(P – vplPositionWS), 4));

result *= rnd.x * rnd.x;
indirectIllumination += result;
return saturate(indirectIllumination * rsmIntensity);

The first argument in the function is P, which is the world space position for a specific pixel. DivideByW is used for the perspective divide required to get a correct Z value. N is the world space normal at a pixel.

[code language=”cpp”]
float4 textureSpacePosition = mul(lightViewProjectionTextureMatrix, float4(P, 1.0));
if (divideByW) /= textureSpacePosition.w;

float3 indirectIllumination = float3(0, 0, 0);
float rMax = rsmRMax;

This section sets up the texture space position, initializes the indirect lighting contribution where samples will accumulate into, and set the rMax variable found in the lighting equation in the paper which I will cover in the next section. Basically, rMax is the maximum distance the random sample can be from the texture space position.

[code language=”cpp”]
for (uint i = 0; i < rsmSampleCount; ++i)
float2 rnd = rsmSamples[i].xy;

float2 coords = textureSpacePosition.xy + rMax * rnd;

float3 vplPositionWS = g_rsmPositionWsMap.Sample(g_clampedSampler, coords.xy).xyz;
float3 vplNormalWS = g_rsmNormalWsMap.Sample(g_clampedSampler, coords.xy).xyz;
float3 flux = g_rsmFluxMap.Sample(g_clampedSampler, coords.xy).xyz;

Here we open the loop and prepare our variables for the equation. In order to optimize it a bit further, the random samples that I calculated are already coordinate offsets, meaning I only have to add rMax * rnd to the texture space coordinates to get my UV coordinates. If the UV coordinates fall outside of the [0,1] range, the samples will be black. Which is logical, since it falls outside of the light’s range, thus does not have any shadow map point to sample from.

[code language=”cpp”]
float3 result = flux
* ((max(0, dot(vplNormalWS, P – vplPositionWS))
* max(0, dot(N, vplPositionWS – P)))
/ pow(length(P – vplPositionWS), 4));

result *= rnd.x * rnd.x;
indirectIllumination += result;
return saturate(indirectIllumination * rsmIntensity);

This is the part where the indirect lighting equation (displayed in figure 2) is evaluated and weighted by the distance between the point and the pixel light. The equation looks daunting and the code doesn’t really tell you what’s going on either, so I will explain. The variable Φ (phi) is the flux, which is the radiant intensity. The previous article describes this in more detail.

The flux (Φ) is scaled by two dot products. The first dot product is between the pixel light normal and the direction from the pixel light to the surface point. The second dot product is between the surface normal and the direction from the surface point to pixel light. In order to not get inverted light contributions, those dot products are clamped between [0, ∞]. In this equation they do the normalization step last, I assume for performance reasons. It is equally valid to normalize the directions before doing the dot products.

Figure 2: The equation for irradiance at a point in space by pixel light

The result from this shader pass can be blended on a backbuffer and will give results as seen in figure 1.


While implementing this algorithm, I ran into some issues. I will cover these issues to avoid people from making the same mistakes.

Incorrect sampler

I spent a considerable amount of time figuring out why my indirect light seemed to repeat itself. Crytek’s Sponza does not have their UV coordinates in the [0,1] range, so we needed a sampler which wrapped. This is however a horrible property when you are sampling from (reflective) shadow maps.

Tweakable values

To improve my workflow, it was vital to have some variables tunable at the touch of a button. I can increase the intensity of the indirect lighting and the sampling range (rMax). For reflective shadow mapping, these variables should be tweakable per light. If you sample in a big range, you get lighting from everywhere, which is useful for big scenes. For more local indirect lighting, you will need a smaller range. Figure 3 shows global and local indirect lighting.

Figure 3: Demonstration of rMax sensitivity.  

Separate pass

Initially I thought I could do the indirect lighting in the shader that does the light gathering for deferred rendering. For directional lights, this works, because you render a full screen quad anyway. However, for spot- and pointlights, you try to minimize the fill rate. I decided to move the indirect lighting to a separate pass, something that is necessary if you want to do the screen space interpolation as wel.

Cache inefficient by nature

The algorithm is horribly cache inefficient. The algorithm samples randomly around a point in multiple textures. The  amount of samples taken without optimization is unacceptably high as well. With a resolution of 1280 * 720 and a sample count of 400 you take 1.105.920.000 samples per light.

Pros & cons

I will list the pros and cons of this indirect lighting algorithm that I have encountered. I do not have a lot to compare it to, since this is the first that I am implementing.

Pros Cons
Easy to understand algorithm Very cache inefficient
Integrates neatly with a deferred renderer Requires tweaking of variables
Can be used in other algorithms (LPV) Forced choice between local and global indirect light


I have made some attempts to increase the speed of this algorithm. As they discuss in the paper (link at the top of this page) they perform a screen space interpolation. I got this to work and it sped up the rendering quite a bit. Below I will describe what I have done and make a comparison (in frames per second) between the following states using my 3-walls-with-bunny scene; no RSM, naïve RSM, and interpolated RSM .


One reason why my RSM was underperforming was because I was also testing for the pixels that were part of the skybox. A skybox definitely does not need indirect lighting. The speedup this gives depends on how much of the skybox you would actually see.

Pre-calculating random samples on the CPU

Pre-calculating the random samples not only gives you more temporal coherency, it also saves you from having to regenerate those samples in the shaders.

Screen space interpolation

The article proposes to use a low resolution render target for evaluating the indirect lighting. For scenes with a lot of smooth normals and straight walls, lighting information can easily be interpolated between lower resolution points. I am not going to describe this interpolation in detail, to keep this article a bit shorter.

Results and conclusion

Below are my results for a few different sample counts. I have a few observations on these results.

  • Logically, the FPS stays around 700 for different sample counts when there is no RSM calculation done.
  • Interpolation brings some overhead and becomes less useful with low sample counts.
  • Even with 100 samples, the resulting image looked pretty good. This might be due to the interpolation which is “blurring” the indirect light. This makes it look more diffuse.
Sample count FPS for No RSM FPS for Naive RSM FPS for Interpolated RSM
100 ~700 152 264
200 ~700 89 179
300 ~700 62 138
400 ~700 44 116